Waterbirds of the Southern Kapuas Swamplands, West Kalimantan
Organisation: Kalimantan Birding Club
Project started: Jul 2010
Project ended: Ongoing
Location: Southern Kapuas Swamplands, West Kalimantan
Project Summary
The main objective of the project is to build capacities in waterbird identification and monitoring for the newly-founded birding and bird conservation group, Kalimantan Birding Club. This will be mainly achieved through field surveys to the Southern Kapuas Swamplands under the guidance of the proponent. The avifauna of this area is virtually unknown, except for the presence of the endangered Storm’s stork. Waterbird populations will be counted during the migratory season, and results will be made available for the Asian Waterbird Census. Status of the two resident stork species will be assessed through involvement of local communities.
Project Aims & Objectives
- Increasing capacities of students in waterbird identification and monitoring, as well as
conservation. - Compiling information on occurrence and abundance of waterbird species as listed by the Asian Waterbird Census.
- Increasing awareness towards stork conservation among communities living in or
adjacent to important wetlands.
Further information
Peter Widmann, Universitas Tanjungpura, Fakultas Kehutanan, Jl. Imam Bonjol, Komplek
Untan, Pontianak 78124, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia.
Email: widpeter@yahoo.com
This project is kindly supported by an Oriental Bird Club small grant.