Young Indonesia photographers promote wild bird conservation
Winning entries in a photography competition show the plight of wild birds in Indonesia and the need to protect them.
The competition was held between September and October by the Indonesian birdwatching and bird conservation network ‘Burung Nusantara’. Young Indonesian photographers were invited to submit photos that showed the importance of wild birds in urban settings and which sought to persuade people not to keep wild birds as pets.
In Indonesia there are around 1,700 wild bird species, many of these are threatened with extinction, and 386 species are protected by law. Despite this legal protection many wild birds still become victims of wildlife trade to supply the demand for birds as pets. Irma Pradityo Coordinator of Wildlife Crime Unit and Anti-Wildlife Trade Forum, said “Through internet, birds is on the rise because offenders feel they are safer and it is more practical than openly selling birds in the markets”.
“While the authorities are trying to crack down on the illegal possession of protected bird species, an offence that carries a fine and or jail sentence, what is really needed is a change in mindset by the buying public. It simply should not be acceptable to keep a wild bird as a pet” said Fransisca Noni of Burung Nusantara.
“We launched this photography competition to try and highlight the plight of wild birds in Indonesia. What is the relevance of the two? Photography and images of wild birds urge the general public to become aware that birds are more beautiful in the wild than in cages” Said Fransisca Noni.
Photos were submitted in two categories; those taken with a zoom lens and those taken with a mobile phone or compact camera. The overall winner was chosen from among both categories by a panel of bird photography experts.
The overall winning entry shows a Great Egret (Egretta alba) living wild among the trash of Jakarta Bay near the small wildlife reserve of Muara Angke. This image was selected as the winner because of the quality of the photograph and the message it portrays about wildlife living around and among us despite the damage we do to their environment.
The winning entry in the category of photos taken with a zoom lens shows a wild Red-breasted Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) ‘bending over backwards’ to build a nest by make a hole in the tree at central of Jakarta. Many species of parrot are seriously threatened in the wild in Indonesia as they are captured for people to keep as pets. This picture shows that even in the city people can enjoy parrots in the wild without the need to keep them in a cage
Photo taken by: Desi Ayu Triana
The winning entry in the category of photos taken with a mobile phone or compact camera was awarded to an image taken of a wild ‘Maleo’ (Macrocephalon maleo) this endangered chicken-sized bird only lives on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi where they lay their eggs in warm sand to be incubated by the natural heat. They are threatened as people still collect the eggs to eat despite the birds being protected by the law. Unless people give greater respect to these wild birds they could soon become extinct.
Photo taken by: Rahmat Fadrikal
The winning entries, together with all other entries can be seen at and
The prize for the best overall photo is a new pair of binoculars (worth $100), kindly provided by Eco-Sys Action; While the winner in each category will receive a new copy of “A Photographic Guide to The Birds of Indonesia”, by Morten Strange, kindly provided by Morten Strange.
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