Birding on Gunung Niut
Remote montane forest in West Kalimantan. Difficult to access and seldom visited, but home to several montane specialities rarely recorded elsewhere
Baca SelengkapnyaRemote montane forest in West Kalimantan. Difficult to access and seldom visited, but home to several montane specialities rarely recorded elsewhere
Baca SelengkapnyaAccessible swamp, lowland and hill forest in West Kalimantan’s south. An impressive bird list to match the variety of habitat types
Baca SelengkapnyaLowland and hill forest in the remote north of Central Kalimantan. Home to some of Borneo’s most sought-after birds.
Baca SelengkapnyaEasily accessible lowland forest near Balikpapan, with a great range of species including Bornean Peacock-pheasant and Bornean Ground-cuckoo
Baca SelengkapnyaBoat trips on the Mahakam River for rare waterbirds including Storm’s Stork and White-shouldered Ibis
Baca SelengkapnyaLowland peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan’s south. Good for lowland and peatland specialities, plus orangutans!
Baca SelengkapnyaHill and montane birding in the seldom visited Menyapa hills is not for the unadventurous, but new discoveries undoubtedly await those who try it
Baca SelengkapnyaMontane birding near the Sarawak border. Difficult access but maybe the best site for Bornean montane endemics in Kalimantan
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