Use this page to submit details of any groups, clubs or local NGOs committed to bird conservation or bird watching in Indonesia.
Download and complete the form here (only available in Indonesian), and email it, or equivelant information, to when it is ready. If you have a logo, you can attach that to the email and we will include it on your page. If you already have your own web-site you can list it here in order to direct visitors to your own site. If you dont have a web-site, you are welcome to use these pages to create your own site! Please send a link to this page to anyone you know who you think would like to be listed here.5 reasons to list your group, club or NGO
* People interested in birds and bird conservation local to you will be able to find and contact you;
* Once you have your club or group listed, you can also list your projects. This will enable a much wider audience to see the work you are doing and may help you attract funding;
* Anytime you post articles, news, events or bird reports to the site, you can link them to your group and your web-page;
* If you have a web-site already your visibility on the internet will increase; more people will find it. If you dont have a web-site, a page here will give you visibility on the internet;
* You will help let the world see how much enthusiasm and committment for birding and bird conservation there is in Indonesia!